
a quick review of the basics...available through December 15th

looking for season pass to kirkwood?
don't want to deal with black-out days?
for the same price as a 7wood pass, you can ski any day of the season, including christmas, new years, mlk weekend and presidents weekend, the later being a weekend that invariably sees huge dumpage (thanks washington and lincoln!).

alls you need is the code. and here it is right here:

first, redirect your browser here

then enter:

group name = epa

login = kirkwood

$429 gets you the goods.  As a bonus you also get:
  • a complimentary early season "buddy ticket."  that's right, you get a free lift ticket valid from opening day through dec. 25th. 
  • discounted buddy tickets throughout the season to the tune of: $12 off Monday-Friday and $8 off weekends and holidays for friends.
  • 10% off mid-week, non-holiday lodging rates (based on availability).
  • 10% off Kirkwood logo wear.
  • questions, of course can be directed to kirkwoodnetworkpass AT gmail DOT com

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